Snippet Bookmarklet

Highlight anywhere on the web and import Kindle highlights with just one click.

If you are using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera, for the best experience, we strongly suggest you to use our dedicated browser extension instead of the Bookmarklet.

For other browsers you simply need to drag and drop the buttons below to your Bookmarks bar.

Highlighter Import Kindle

Highlight ideas on the web with the Bookmarklet

Make sure you have added the Bookmarklet to your browser bookmarks bar.
When you want to highlight, simply select the text you want to save
Click the Bookmarklet button on your browser bookmarks bar.
You will receive a confirmation once the snippet is saved.
You can change the highlight color by moving your mouse over the highlighted text and select a new color from the color selector.

Import your Kindle highlights and notes with the Bookmarklet

Make sure you have added the import Bookmarklet button to your browser bookmarks bar.
Navigate to Kindle Cloud Reader and login with your Amazon account.
Once logged in Kindle Cloud Reader simply click the Bookmarklet button in your browser bookmarks bar.

When using Safari you could use a keyboard shortcut:
look for Bookmarks -> Favorites in your browser top menu

Snippet will start importing your Kindle highlights.
When the import is completed you will be redirected to Snippet.



Need More Help?

If you’re having trouble with Snippet, please contact us at