Export a collection of snippets from your Snippet account as PDF files, Word documents, text files or Excel document ready to print.
Export a collection of snippets as PDF, Word, Text files or Excel document
No matter if your snippets are from a Kindle import or web highlights you can export all from your Snippet account as PDF files, Word documents, text files or Excel document ready to print.
Find the collection of snippets on your My Snippets account that you want to export by tag, or by preset collection of books, articles, authors or colors.
Click the Export button from the top right bar and select the document type of preference: PDF file, Word file, Text file or Excel file.

The snippets that you choose for the export have a standard format that can be changed from the setting of the account in the Preferences settings.
At export Snippet gives additional elements to edit the PDF, Word or text files by choosing: content options and formatting.

See how easy it is to create a document with Snippet.
Learn more about how you can organize your snippets.
Need More Help?
If you’re having trouble with Snippet, please contact us at hi@gosnippet.com